OMEGA SpeedMaster Professional 5th Tropical 1969y.プロフェッショナルの中ではごく限られた数しかない69年刻印。キャリバーが321から861に変更になって直ぐのモデル。ダイヤルはアプライドΩマークからプリントになってますが、裏蓋はシーホースマークのみでベゼルも275が上に寄ったオリジナル。そしてキャタピラブレス。ダイヤルは陽に当たると焦茶にエイジングしてます。完全に5thに移行する手前の過渡期のモデルとして高い人気があります。4thのオリジナルは高くなり過ぎましたが、5thの初期ならまだ手に入れやすい価格帯です。
OMEGA SpeedMaster Professional 5th Tropical 1969y. A 1969 model with very limited numbers among the Professionals. This model was released just after the caliber was changed from 321 to 861. The dial has been printed instead of the applied Ω mark, but the back cover only has the Seahorse mark and the bezel is the original with the 275 on top. It is also caterpillar-less. The dial ages to a dark brown when exposed to the sun. It is a very popular transitional model before the complete transition to the 5th. The original 4th model became too expensive, but the early 5th models are still within an affordable price range.
from instagram : @enzo_shop